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Where to go for Easter holiday 2024?

Easter 2024

This year, Easter is celebrated in the end of March from 29 Mar to 1 Apr. Where would you like to travel this year?

It's getting lighter outside by the day. Spend your Easter enjoying the glow of the snow in the sunlight or exploring a city!

Easter break 2024

This year Easter falls in the end of March.

Having a holiday over Easter?

Easter is a great time to have a break from your everyday and enjoy the spring sun! Are you hoping to go skiing in Lapland? Have a look at our tips for an active winter holiday.

Easter holidays dates for 2024:

  • Good Friday 29 March
  • Holy Saturday 30 March
  • Easter Sunday 31 March
  • Easter Monday 1 April
  • The wandering witches go from door to door blessing homes in return for treats on Palm Sunday 24 March

By train to ski resorts

Travelling to Lapland is comfortable by train and smooth connections! Search for a journey to your destination and enjoy a night train journey to Rovaniemi, Kolari or Kemijärvi. From the train station, you can continue your journey.

Learn about travel to North

Enjoy audio books and e-books

Entertainment for the journey

We are offering our customers a 60-day trial period to the Nextory audio book and e-book service with a catalogue of thousands of stories. You can read and listen books with your phone or tablet.

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