Railway stations and routes

Check the services of your station on the map
Information on the services and routes of the railway stations in VR's commuter and long-distance traffic can be found in a convenient map format on the website of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.
Go to the website, Opens in a new tabLong-distance traffic
We operate hundreds of long-distance train services every day, which means that you can take a train to nearly anywhere in Finland. You can always book your own seat on long-distance trains, except for railcars.
VR commuter traffic
VR's commuter traffic encompasses traffic operated with commuter trains with line IDs in areas from Helsinki to Lahti, Kotka Port, Hanko and Nokia. VR’s commuter traffic tickets are not valid on long-distance trains.
To Helsinki Airport
Travel to Helsinki Airport from anywhere in Finland with just one train ticket!
To Helsinki AirportReplacement buses
Some train services or parts of the train's route are occasionally replaced by buses due to track work. Find more information on the On track page.
Replacement busesLast mile connections
Are you continuing your journey from your destination? Have a look at our last mile services and find local transport connections or even hire a rental car to the station to continue your journey.
Last mile connections