Loading a car onto the train
Save an entire day of your trip onboard CarTrain
You arrive in a flash when you load your car onto the train and sleep overnight in the sleeping compartment. Loading a car or a motorcycle onto the train is easier than you think!
There’s no need to be nervous about the loading
As a rule, drivers load and unload their cars onto the train by themselves. In some cases, we can load the car for you.
Practical tips for car-carrier passengers
A car-carrier takes you and your car or motorcycle from one end of Finland to the other. What should you consider before the trip and at the car-carrier stations? Read our tips for a successful and comfortable journey!
Comfortably across Finland on the night train
Book a night train cabin and arrive at your destination well-rested. By traveling on the night train, you save your own time and nerves. Read more to explore the magic of night trains.
Remember the following when loading your car onto the train
Maximum dimensions of the vehicle
- Overall width max. 2 m 20 cm.
- Width measured from the outer edge of one tyre to the outer edge of the other, max. 2 m.
- Length max. 5 m, 10 m or 15 m (incl. fixed items, such as towing hooks).
- The maximum height depends on the chosen train. However, the absolute maximum is 2 m 60 cm.
- Weight: Fully covered car-carrier wagon (Gd car-carrier wagon) not more than 3,000 kg and the axle or axle-group weight not more than 2,000 kg. Partly covered car-carrier wagon (Gfot car-carrierwagon) not more than 2,500 kg and the axle or axle-group weight not more than 1,400 kg.
- You can usually check the car weight from the car’s registration document.
- The length and height of the vehicle space cannot be changed. If this information changes, cancel the vehicle space and book a new one with the correct dimensions through our customer service 0600 41 900 (3,55 € / answered call + lnc/mcc).
Other considerations about the vehicle size
- When reporting the vehicle size, remember to take fixed items, such as a ski box and towing hook, into consideration.
- Lowered cars and cars with a trailer and hem, front and boot spoilers, special exhaust piping and other similar accessories are always transported under the customer’s own responsibility. Such vehicles must always be loaded by the customer.
- If you want to transport a van or another non-standard motor vehicle or you are otherwise not sure whether your vehicle can be transported, please contact our customer service at 0600 41 900 (3,55 € / answered call + lnc/mcc).
It’s easy to unload the car from the train and instructions are quite similar to the loading instructions:
- Always unload your car without your travelling companions – they can wait in the station waiting room.
- When travelling from the North to Helsinki, car-carrier wagons are disconnected from the train before arriving in Pasila and transferred to the unloading platform. Remember to exit the train in Pasila!
- If you have booked a car loading service when purchasing the car train ticket, we will unload your car for you. Information on where to hand over the keys can be found on the station’s website.

Buy tickets to a car-carrier
Add a car on your trip from the passenger menu.

Motorcycles are always loaded by their rider
This is how you load a motorcycle onto the train
- You will always load and unload your own motorcycle by yourself.
- The motorcycle is fastened onto the car carrier wagon with straps. Please see the video below for instructions.
- We want to make sure that you are safe – please load and unload your motorcycle alone. Meanwhile, your travel companion can have a cup of coffee at the station.
- Reserve enough time for loading the bike. You can find the exact load time on your ticket.
- There’s no need to be nervous about the loading or unloading – our employees will help you throughout all the stages of it.
- If you are travelling with an all-terrain vehicle, you can reserve a motorbike space.