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Train travel adapts to every need

The trains serve the needs of all passengers. Whether you are looking for peace and privacy, enjoyment in good company or, for example, especially comfortable seats, you can find them on the train.

Ekstra Class is the quiet space of the train

For travellers looking for a serene and peaceful environment, the best option is the Ekstra Class, which is the silent area of the train.

– Many people want to travel in the Ekstra Class for its calmness, while others choose it just for its elegant setting. Customers have described travelling in the Ekstra Class as a luxury break from the everyday life, says Tiina Honkanen, Head of Product & Concept Design at VR’s passenger services.

Positive reactions are no wonder, as the Ekstra Class reform took into account the wishes of both customers and crew. During the design phase, several customer surveys were carried out, and the feedback from the customer surveys guided the development work.

The interiors of the Ekstra Class were designed domestically. Top-quality materials and neutral and time-resistant colours were used in the design process. The seats in the Ekstra Class are wider than in the Eko Class and there is also more legroom in the InterCity trains’ Ekstra Class. 

Customers have been grateful, especially for the wide windowsills of the single seats of InterCity trains, where it is convenient to lower a coffee cup or phone, for example, and for the pull-out tables of the opposite seats. If you need more space, you can get it by buying the empty seat next to you. 

The second seat row of the Ekstra Class is dedicated to single seats which have been especially popular with customers. Single seats create your own space, and privacy is guaranteed.

On InterCity trains, the Ekstra Class seat offers a sense of privacy and the privacy panels on seats ensure peace of mind. In addition, the Ekstra Class is only accessible from one end of the wagon, so there is no transit traffic.

The price-quality ratio of the Ekstra Class has also received praise. A high quality travel experience doesn't mean a high price: a seat in Ekstra Class is available for a small extra charge.

Quiet area ensures working and relaxing

The Ekstra Class is the quiet area of the train, which guarantees uninterrupted working peace or allows you to take a nap without any disruption.

– The wish for a quiet area came directly from the customers. There are similar concepts in many countries around the world, and our customers have had good experiences of them. The Ekstra Class is often chosen due to its more peaceful travel environment, and now customers wished that it will be officially made a quiet area through the use of signs, explains Helena Ylhäisi, Service Design Project Manager at passenger services.

However, a quiet area does not mean a completely silent space. Short conversations are allowed if they do not disturb other passengers. For work calls or other longer conversations, InterCity trains have separate, upholstered and soundproof phone booths.

Upstairs of the restaurant car provides the best setting for socialising and enjoying

While the Ekstra Class is suitable for travellers looking for peace and privacy, the upstairs of the restaurant car on the InterCity trains is a great place to socialise or work together. 

The seats are arranged around tables and, as in the Ekstra Class, the seats on the upstairs of the restaurant car are more comfortable and spacious than usual. The upstairs of the restaurant car has large windows with a magnificent view on the changing scenery. 

The comfortable travel experience is crowned by the offering of the restaurant car, which can also be enjoyed at your own place. Upstairs is licensed for the consumption of alcohol, so you can clink glasses with your friends.

For a work group or a solo traveler

The upstairs of the restaurant car has a cabinet with 12 seats, which is perfect for meetings and working with a larger group. The cabinet has a closable door and is equipped with two wall screens.

In addition to groups, the upstairs of the restaurant car also serves customers travelling alone as, in addition to table groups, there are also single seats available. The seats in these places are rotating, so you can always travel facing the front of the train.

– Many people consider the single seats on the upstairs of the restaurant car to be the best places of the entire train. You can sit in there alone, with the seat facing the window and admiring the beautiful views, says Ylhäisi.

Book a 12-person conference cabin for your group


Planning to have fun or hold a conference on your journey? The conference cabin upstairs in the restaurant car on InterCity trains is the perfect choice for your group. The cabin is equipped with two screens and convenient countertops.

Request a quote

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