Information on compensation
Find out more about how and under what conditions you can get a refund or change your journey if the train is delayed by more than 60 minutes or if we cancel your original journey. On this page, you will also find information about what compensation you are entitled to in disruption situations. Start by selecting the appropriate compensation form for your situation from the menu below.
When can I claim compensation?
You are entitled to compensation if your train arrived at your destination station at least 60 minutes late, compared to the arrival time on your ticket. If you received information about the delay before buying the ticket, no compensation will be paid for the delay.
Live train updates are saved in a system maintained by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. Compensations for delays are based on the information in the system.
Compensation is based on an EU regulation. Compensation is based on the ticket price. Cancellation insurance cost is not refunded. The minimum compensation to be paid is four euros.
Compensation is calculated as follows:
- 25% of the ticket price if your train was delayed for at least an hour
- 50% of the ticket price if your train was delayed for at least two hours
- Do you have a season ticket? Compensation is based on the calculated price per trip of the season ticket.
If your train is delayed for at least 60 minutes and you have not yet started your journey:
- You can cancel your ticket and receive a refund. You can change your itinerary (departure date and time) at no extra cost.
- You can continue or reroute your train trip to reach your destination as soon as possible with similar conditions of carriage.
If your train was delayed for at least 60 minutes and you have already started your journey but want to interrupt it:
- You can change the timetable for your remaining trip at no extra cost to get to your destination as quickly as possible. The same travel terms and conditions will apply to the new journey as to the original journey.
- You can postpone your journey at no additional cost. The same travel terms and conditions will apply to the new journey as to the original journey.
- You can cancel your trip and we will refund you for the remaining journey. If your journey has ended but it was no use to you because of your original plans, we will refund you for the full price of your purchased ticket and the return journey to your departure point.
You can make the change:
- by calling our customer support (0100 3232 (0,06 €/min 0,06 €/min + lnc/mcc, Mon-Fri 5 am – 10 pm and Sat-Sun 7 am - 10 pm))
- via the chat on vr.fi and in the VR Matkalla app.
You can claim compensation for a delay or cancelled train service if you travel with a season ticket for VR’s commuter traffic.
Compensation is calculated as follows:
- 20% of the price of a season ticket for 14–30 days is refunded if, during the calendar month, over 10% of commuter trains have been cancelled or delayed for more than 10 minutes and the ticket has been valid for even one day during the period.
- For season tickets for over 30 days, 20% of the price of a season ticket for 30 days is refunded if, during the calendar month, over 10% of commuter trains have been cancelled or delayed for more than 10 minutes and the ticket has been valid for even one day during the period.
If your train service has been cancelled, you can:
1. apply for a refund of the ticket price for a journey not made and for a potential return journey
2. continue your journey as soon as possible with similar conditions after we have re-routed you
3. You can change your ticket's departure date and time at no extra cost. The same travel terms and conditions will apply to the new journey as to the original journey.
You can make the change:
- through our customer care by phone (0100 3232 (0,06 €/min 0,06 €/min + lnc/mcc, Mon-Fri 5 am – 10 pm and Sat-Sun 7 am - 10 pm)).
- through chat
- on the vr.fi website or in the VR Matkalla app, in which case you will initially be charged a change fee, but we will refund it to you afterwards. You can fill out the compensation form about the expenses incurred.
Under point 2, you are entitled to compensation for the delay. If you have changed your ticket in accordance with point 3, you will not be entitled to compensation for the delay of the original train service.
Apply for the above compensation here.
If a train service has been cancelled, we may offer alternative transport (e.g. bus or taxi). We may direct you to use a taxi if this will avoid greater financial loss or if public transport is no longer available. If the journey cannot continue during the same day, we will provide you with reasonable accommodation, including necessary transport.
If we cancelled your connection or you missed it due to a delayed train service:
- You can travel to your destination on the next train. You can also use your original ticket for the new train service at no extra cost. The same travel terms and conditions will apply to the new journey as to the original journey.
- You can postpone your journey for a new route at no additional cost. The same travel terms and conditions will apply to the new journey as to the original journey.
- You can cancel your trip and we will refund you for the remaining journey. If your journey has ended but it was no use to you because of your original plans, we will refund you for the full price of your purchased ticket and the return journey to your departure point.
You can make the change:
- by calling our customer support (0100 3232 (0,06 €/min 0,06 €/min + lnc/mcc, Mon-Fri 5 am – 10 pm and Sat-Sun 7 am - 10 pm))
- via the chat on vr.fi and in the VR Matkalla app.
You can claim compensation if you incurred additional costs as a result of a train delay, you sustained a personal injury during your train trip or your luggage was damaged.
Please note that you are required to attach receipt copies to your claim to receive compensation.
Additional costs incurred due to a delay
- The maximum compensation for additional costs caused by a delay is EUR 5,000.
- We may direct you to use a taxi if this will avoid greater financial loss or if public transport is no longer available.
- If a delay is to be expected and you can prepare for it in advance, additional costs will not be compensated. Delays caused by weather conditions are an example of this.
- We have no obligation to pay compensation if we have strived to avoid a situation in which you incur damage due to a delay.
- You must allow enough transfer time at your destination.
- We pay no compensation if the event was beyond our control. Accidents, vandalism and faults in railway line infrastructure are some examples.
- We are liable to compensate third parties only if the delay is attributable to our wilful act or negligence.
- We will only reimburse the cost of accommodation if we establish a need for an overnight stay due to a delay.
Restaurant services
You can claim for compensation if there was an issue with your restaurant order.
Damage to luggage
You can claim compensation if your luggage was lost or damaged during your train trip because of us. Compensation claims for damaged luggage are processed on a case-by-case basis. View the Conditions of Carriage for more information.
Personal injuries
You can apply for compensation for a personal injury that occurred during a train trip if the injury is caused by the train’s sudden braking or some other situation related to the train’s operation.
Claim compensationYou can apply for compensation for a seat with a surcharge that you have purchased if, for example, you had to change your seat due to a change in the train fleet. We will refund the price of the seat with a surcharge.
Claim compensationYou can claim compensation if you bought a train ticket, but it was never delivered, or the purchase failed. Please wait a few banking days before submitting your claim for compensation, we aim to refund the ticket money as soon as possible to the payment method you used to pay for your ticket. Please, wait a few days after the purchase before filling in the application.
When claiming a refund, please provide us with information on the failed purchase transaction so that we can identify it. Provide, e.g. the transaction’s reference number available in your Internet banking application, a receipt copy or a screenshot of the charge to your account.
Claim compensationResponsibility areas
Responsibilities related to train travel are divided between VR, HSL, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and Fintraffic.
Send feedback to HSL
VR and HSL are responsible for trains, services and announcements on trains and for ticket sales. HSL is responsible for the capital region’s internal train traffic.
Send feedback to HSL, Opens in a new tabSend feedback to FTIA
FTIA is responsible for the railway network, railway network maintenance and platform areas.
Send feedback to FTIA, Opens in a new tabSend feedback to Fintraffic
Fintraffic is responsible for platform displays, announcements at stations and traffic control.
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Your opinion is important to us. Let us know how we could make your train journeys even smoother. This will help us develop our operations and improve our services.

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Do you have questions?
Our personnel will help you on trains and at stations. If you need help or advice before your journey, do not hesitate to contact us.
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