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Last mile connections

Continue your trip in a rental car

Explore your destination with free kilometers.

Rental car offer

Travel smoothly in your destination

VR and Hertz offer train passengers up to -15% discount on car rentals. Book your train tickets, bring your large luggage and travel crew, and plan the perfect trip for you. Discount is valid on several stations.

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Decide your own timetables and routes

Enjoy the smooth travel with train and a rental car. We offer our train passengers a car rental discount with Hertz Car Rental. The discount is available for passengers travelling to selected stations.

How does the service work?

  • Book a train journey to one of the selected cities (Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani, Kemi, Kemijärvi, Kolari, Kouvola, Kuopio, Kupittaa, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Seinäjoki, Tampere, Tikkurila, Turku, Vaasa)
  • Move to Hertz's website to book the rental car, Opens in a new tab
  • Follow the instructions for booking a car - you'll get the up to -15% discount automatically!
  • Travel on your selected train journey to the destination
  • The car you booked will be waiting for you at your chosen station
  • Follow the pick up instructions given in the Hertz booking confirmation
  • Enjoy the freedom of unlimited kilometres!
  • Return the car back to the station after the rental period
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Frequently asked questions